Saturday, May 29, 2010

In Memoriam

As usual, another big class assignment (Scopus + 100 sources) looms closer like a fatal ice berg, and I'm in panic mode. With one more week of school left, actually 4 lovely, no make that 3 1/2 days left, I sit here this morning anxiously trying to figure out how to get all the work done in between entertaining 2 small grandsons. One of whom will be celebrating Birthday # 2 today!
In Memoriam---that long painful lamentation by Tennyson could maybe be my theme song for this weekend. Scary thing about the assignment, I'm not sure exactly what I am to do or what it will look like. Much like that ice berg under the water, the deadline approaches. Who really knows what is under the water? What I do know sadly, is that there is much, much work to be done!

Monday, May 24, 2010


Pleasant Surprises
The first pleasant surprise I discovered was while reading Nicholson Baker's book--Double Fold. Baker refers to my home town, Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Of course, Baker is not happy with a man from Williamsport who has collected a run of newspapers and sells them to various customers. Nevertheless, I was pleased to see Billtown mentioned.
Another pleasant surprise was my first encounter with the University of Pitt's library. My initial experience was positive and definitely user-friendly.
Classmates of Cohort 10,
When it comes to technology, I'm literally all thumbs. Is it possible to actually have more than ten? That has been and remains to be my association with technology. It always feels like school begins, or in this case classes started, and I'm playing catch up. It's like being at an amusement park--the ride has already taken off, and I'm trying to climb on. With those thoughts expressed, listen to my first roller coaster ride--obtaining a copy of Double Fold.
Yes, I did order my books about 10 days ago. It occurred to me last Friday that I had a huge dilemma since our first paper was due on Wednesday and my shining copy is probably somewhere in the US mail. I panicked. I went to work--my school--rather heavy hearted. Then I decided to call every book store I could within a 60 mile range from my home. I worked in the computer lab finding telephone numbers then making the phone calls. After three calls, I realized that my chances of getting that book were about nil. In our schools, we hire a computer lab technician to manage the room. After my third failed attempt, our lab technician --Nathan--now one of my knights-in-shining-armor--asked me what was this book I was trying to obtain.
He then shared the fact with me that his mother-in-law worked in our local college library in the Inter-Library-Loan department. Well, guess you can see where this is going. I got the book. I made it on board......but you, apt students, know that simply procuring the book does not mean the same as reading the book and writing the paper....